News from the Unscripted Self

Welcome back to Soundings.
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to you and your loved ones. The madness has already begun here. So enjoy! And, remember no matter where you are in the world you’re Irish on Saint Patrick’s day.
Here the festival runs all weekend and there are lots of fun things going on, including city centre carnival with rides, face painting, and lots more.
Also there’s a 26K “harbour2harbour”walk - Saint Patrick’s Day starting 10.30 - along the beautiful Dublin Bay Coast, from Dun Laoghaire to Howth (or alternatively you can do it in the opposite direction, take your pick).
I do it every year. The walk's in aid of
who do great work helping to combat depression. Sometimes the scars on the inside are the hardest to heal, because they are unseen and often run the deepest. I really have a lot of time for the work Aware do.
Take it at your own pace. Enjoy the scenery. Enjoy the day.
And if you see me give me a howdy!
Elsewhere this weekend in Dublin the
Mind Body Spirit
festival takes place in the RDS (that’s in the Ballsbridge area) where you have a gathering of spiritual and energy workers, with free lectures, music, dance, yoga, and all kinds of good stuff. There is always a lovely atmosphere and it’s a worthy alternative to the excess hilarity elsewhere. It runs all weekend. I shall be there on the Sunday and Monday.
Reading Corner
I’ve just started the new Consciousness Series, which I mentioned briefly in last month’s Soundings. I’m really excited about this series as it gives me a chance to delve deeper into this subject than just a one-off post can. There is so much noise on the internet today that sometimes, despite the best intentions, terms such as awakening get overused and lose their efficacy. That’s why I want to get into what awakening really means in this series.
It opens with
what is awakening,
and continues then with the
We already are in an awakened state but the busy mind prevents us from realising this. It’s the mind that get’s in the way.
My mission is to genuinely help people to awaken. The series will run for quite a few weeks. I hope you’ll follow it and benefit from it too.
The next instalment will go up in a few days.
Also this month I posted an article,
the right to be wrong
which looks at our obsession with being right all the time. We tend to praise and notice those we deem to be winners or successful. I mean this even erupts in rubbishy ‘winner takes all’ tv shows. Running through this is a whole narrative that says those who don’t always make it are somehow less worthy. This is just plain wrong, and it can drive people to want to win at any cost because they feel that is the ‘right’ thing to do.
Another aspect of this is when we expect things to be the way we want them. The result of instant gratification which has become the norm. Suppose your flight is cancelled and you miss an important appointment, you probably blame the airline, or the traffic on the road if that caused you to miss the flight. The reality is you don’t get to your meeting, that’s all. Now it may be inconvenient, it may even cost you money, but that’s always separate from the reality.
When we are able to accept what is, we are happy. But this is a very hard thing to do, because the immediate urge is to react to external stimuli. We need to take the heat off ourselves and not insist on being right and having our own way all the time.
Look out for a complete overhaul of the Unscripted Self in the near future. This has been in the pipeline for some time but I just haven’t got round to it. Hope you like the changes.
Gillian McNamara is holding a Reiki gathering in March. Here’s the details:
Reiki Gathering
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
7:30pm until 10:30pm
The Novara Centre, Strand Road, Bray.
"This Reiki Gathering is open to anyone who has done a Reiki 1 workshop.
We will have a discussion, meditation, booster attunement and Reiki Share. It is a lovely evening where you can relax and enjoy the company of like minded people. Everyone is welcome.
Please let me know if you are planning to attend
Looking forward to seeing you on the 28th."
Spirit One Seminars
are hosting Dr. Mary Helen Hensley in the Royal Marine Hotel in Dun Laoghaire on Wednesday, 28th of March from 7.30 – 9.30.
A very interesting speaker and one I recommend. I’ll be at this event myself.
Distant Healing Request
Continued healing for those in Syria please.
That's all for now. I'm off to look for my shamrock!
Happy reading,
Talk to you all next month.