News from the Unscripted Self

Welcome back to Soundings.
Last week I thought I’d bring readers of the uss something different by offering a selection of poems by George Fennell. I wanted to share these as they’re not available to the general public, and because I think they’re of a very high standard. George, who recently passed over, was a dear friend, and a man who touched many people at the heart level.
Reading Corner
You can read the poems
The first one is the anchor poem from his collection Resurrection and Other Works (2006), and is a deep reflection on life and death.
I also included The Merchant, one I like, as it captures the way so many live, with eyes closed. Reflecting at the end of life, the subject looks back on what might have been. Lines 2 to 15 seem to glide past like fleeting time itself. From time to time the speaker got a glimpse through the veil; he looked up, but what he saw was the material value of things, which is just what the world teaches us to see. Now the chance is gone, there’s no use languishing in regret. The poem ends on a note of hope though.
The Merchant is not to be read as an autobiographical poem. Those of us lucky to have known George know he never let life pass by him, if anything, he had a eye for the things that most people do not notice. An ear, nose and throat surgeon by profession, he worked in the Royal Victoria in Adelaide Road here in Dublin until his retirement. George was a man of diverse interests. Passionate about music, he was a great lover of Wagner and Mozart (his favourite opera was the Marriage of Figaro, because he said it made him laugh when the world was too serious). He also delighted in the comic operas of Gilbert and Sullivan; and was an accomplished pianist himself.
The Eye And Ear Hospital is dedicated to the place where George spent so many years, and to the staff and patients who passed through its doors. Having spent a brief time there about ten years ago for minor sinus surgery, I can attest to the veracity of his words, that all were treated with the greatest kindness. The poem celebrates both the centenary of the hospital, in 1997, as well as looking forward to the larger centenary, the Millennium. By the way, the Wilde mentioned in the poem is a reference to Sir William Wilde, the father of Oscar Wilde, a renowned eye surgeon; the hospital in Adelaide Road was born from an amalgamation of two earlier medical centres, one of which Wilde founded.
In The Tavern, the Domhnach of the penultimate verse is the Gaelic form of Donnybrook, a village on the outskirts of the city, where George spent his final years; and, which happens to be my own present place of residence. Nor is the tavern a conceit of fiction, but a real pub, McCloskey’s, to be found in the heart of the village. Indeed it was in this very establishment that I first met George.
Lastly, I had to include Armageddon, (or Feck off Bunny). It always gives me a laugh and makes me think of Fr. Ted, the tv sitcom (although that wasn’t the idea for the poem), maybe because of the episode with all the rabbits, or maybe because of the subtitle (the inspiration of his daughter Hilary).
The poem gives you some flavour of the quirky side to George. A fun character to be around, renowned for his jokes, puns, palindromes and limericks (many of which he composed). Unfortunately most are too bawdy for publication! However, I will share one with you. I have no idea whether George wrote this himself or not. I know he used to take great relish in telling it.
The sexual urge of the camel
Is stronger than anyone thinks,
Sometimes in the cool of the desert
He tries to make love to the Sphinx.
But the Sphinx’s sexual organ
Is buried in the sands of the Nile –
Which accounts for the hump of the camel,
And the Sphinx’s inscrutable smile.
So, allow me to extend to you all an invitation, should you be passing through Dublin and have some time on your hands, shoot me a message on the
contact us
form and I’ll be happy to meet you in Domhnach, under the clock for a cup of coffee, or even a glass of something stronger.
I am quite excited about a new project which I will be starting very shortly, it’s a series of posts on higher consciousness. I can give readers of Soundings a little hint, (it deals with what you do after you become awake).
I have a few other interesting, and diverse, projects in the pipe line, so stay tuned.
Distant Healing Request
The Middle East is much in the news at the moment, and the terrible massacres in Homs. Don't focus on the bad stuff, hold everyone in peace and picture this situation being resolved very shortly for the good of all the people there.
So, here's to all healers throughout the world. May we offer our thanks to them all, or, as Humphrey Bogart’s geometry teacher said to him,
Here’s looking at Euclid. Happy reading,
Talk to you all next month.
Birthing the New Consciousness
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In this book I examine the nature of reality and propose that everything arises from consciousness. The centrality of mind is given a unique and prominent place in creating your reality. The ebook looks at how your thoughts impact on your life in a way you will not find anywhere else.
Birthing the New Consciousness How your mind creates your reality
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Reality is merely an illusion - albeit a persistent one
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